Auction 7
Lot 336:
Volume includes around 150 pages, divided into a few pamphlets: 1. Manuscript “Shulchan Aruch,” on ritual slaughter and treif, with comprehensive commentary. 2. Laws of ritual slaughter and treif according to the tradition of Sana’a. Signed “Salam ben Guotz” 3. “Sha’arei Kedusha,” a summary of slaughter laws according to Sana’a, signed “Yehi ben La Yosef” 4. Emendations on the laws of Even HaEzer. 5. Pamphlet “Sod HaGilgul” with emendations on different Kabbala issues. All of the manuscript is from the same author, “Zion ben Mor Zion, known as the Doctor,” on some of the pages are a number of notes in the margins in someone else’s handwriting. Handwritten title page. 17cm, damaged in the margins in the first pages, with light damage to the text. Not bound. Moth damage.
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