Auction 4
Lot 517:
Lot handwritten letters and signatures of rabbis and Rebbes, including T”a Slonim Rebbe 2- page handwritten signature. Rebbe Nadvorna Safed, stamp and signature – Tsc”g. Rabbi Yehuda Leib Landman, Rabbi of Belz Europe. The signing on a page from a book of the Rebbe Ozerov T”a. Admor Rabbi Chaim Hager of Wishiwa – Tsl”h. Admor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kahane M’Spinkeh -Tsl”h,. Page written by the Rebbe of mizotz Baal “Nachlat Dan. Receipt signed by Rabbi Shimon Schneerson. 2-page manuscript of the Rebbe of Sochaczew – Ts”g. Handwritten page by the Admor of Vadislav. Signing a receipt Rabbi Chaim Mlicovsky, receipt of Rabbi Shimon Snorson. Total 12 letters, good condition, sizes.
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