Auction 4
Lot 362:
Lot 11 Books of Chasidut: Book “Osef Michtavim” Rebbe of Gur, Germany Tashaz (pattern refugees). 2. The book “Brachot Israel” Pietrekov Trf”b. 3. The “Nechmad Venaim” Ioseafof Trm”d. 4. The book “Likutei Mhry”ch” Satmar Trtz”b. 5. book “Zchor le’Abraham” and a wonderful Kuntress “Keter Nehora” holy conversations from Rabbi Aharon Rokeach of Belz, Tel Aviv Tshi”d. 6. “Shaarei Emuna” Warsaw Trs”a. 7. “Derech haemuna Ve-maase Rav,” Warsaw Trn”t. 8. book “Hamidot” Lmohar”n, Lublin Tra”h, bounded with – 9. book “Olat Chodesh” Munkatch Trs”z. 10. book “Tiferet Samuel” Rebbe of Alexander, Ladz Tr”tz. 11. book “Sfat Emet” on the holy, the Admor of Gur, Warsaw Trf”h. different Situations and sizes.
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