Auction 80
Lot 99:
"Seder Tefillot for all year round with Hebrew Teitch and Shir Hashirim and Zemirot and Hoshanot… printed by the partners the Rav of Slavuta’s grandsons, the rabbinic Chanina Lipa and the rabbinic Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro in Zhytomyr 1860". Incomplete copy – to leaf 168 only. In addition, leaf 57 (which apparently contains the Shir shel Yom) is also missing and possibly also leaf 1 the first following the title page. 20 cm. Restored tears to several leaves. Stains. Restored moth perforations and damage. Good overall condition. Fine new binding.
Siddur Zhytomyr which has never been seen!
This important and rare Siddur was studied by several famed bibliographers and scholars, who have seen many books printed at the sacred printery of the Shapiro family in Slavuta and Zhytomyr. All of them agreed that to this day, this Siddur was never seen or bibliographically recorded and to the best of their knowledge, is not in any public or private library.
The full content of the Siddur
Due to the lack of bibliographic records, we do not know how much is missing from the end of this Siddur. Due to the significance of this historical discovery, its contained shall be fully described. Following the title page, the copy begins with leaf 2 with Birkat Tzitzit and Birkot Hashachar, Korbanot, Psukei Dezimra (for the days of the week and Sabbath), Birkot Keri’at Shema and Shmonah Essre for the days of the week, Tachanun, Hotza’at Sefer Torah, Ashrei and Ba LeZion [Shir shel Yom is missing from this copy – leaf 57], Kabalat Shabbat, Aravit for Sabbath, Tikunei Shabbat (including Shir Hashirim and Zemirot for Sabbath), Shacharit for Sabbath, prayers after Keri’at HaTorah (including Mi Shebeirach for Emperor Alexander Nikolovich) and Birkat Hachodesh, Mussaf for Sabbath, Mincha for Sabbath, prayers and Zemirot for Motza’ei Shabbat, Havdakah, Kiddush Levanah, Hallel and Mussaf for Rosh Chodesh, Mussaf for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, Kiddush for Shalosh Regalim, the prayer and Mussaf for Shalosh Regalim, Birkat Cohanim, Kiddush for Rosh Hashana, the prayer of Rosh Hashana, Musaff for Rosh Hashana, Seder Tashlich and Kaparot, the prayer for Yom Kippur, Mussaf for Yom Kippur, Yitzrot for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Tefillat Ne’ilah, Tefillat Geshem, Tefillat Tal, Hoshanot, for Simchat Torah, Selichot for Sheini, Chamishi and Sheini (ending in the middle of Selichot for Sheini Tanyana). Based on the title page, there should also have been Pirkei Avot – not appearing in this copy. Apparently, additional Selichot for the fasts are also missing.
Teitch in a Siddur not for women only?
This Siddur contains a Hebrew Teitch translation throughout, which is uncommon for such Siddurim. The only previously known Siddur printed in Zhytomyr with Teitch was the Korban Mincha Siddur for women. This is the first Siddur with Teitch for everyone, not only women. The explanation was written in Yiddish: וויל מיר האבין גזעהין דאש פיל פון דיא פראסטע לייט און קלייני קינדר וואש זייא זענין זייער גערין צוא פאר שטיין וואש זייא זענין מתפלל, דרום האבין מיר עש איבר גיזעצט אויף עברי טייטש מיט נקודות אז דיא לייט זאלין קאנין פאר שטיין" [freely translated: since we have seen that many of the simple people and young children want to understand their prayer, we have translated the Siddur into Hebrew Teitch so they could understand].
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