Auction 80

Wonderful museum-worthy item: Large, handsome manuscript for a hazan of a synagogue. Austria 1839.

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Start price: $1,000

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A large and impressive manuscript with various prayers, a colored cover with a dedication "This is the gateway to the Lord, the righteous will come in it, this booklet is generously donated … Rabbi Meshulam Kaufman son of the late Rabbi Shimon z" l in honor of the synagogue, for the new synagogue in Neustift [Austria], which we founded in 1839 … and your name is the name of the Lord of blessed memory."It is interesting to note that the birth calendar that appears below begins in 1828. The page after the title page contains a prayer in Yiddish (partially damaged).

The prayers are all handwritten in black, some of them dotted with red headers and initials. Written on thick, high-quality paper with an old bound cover with a large Star of David in its center and a frame around with small gold decorations.

The volume includes the prayers that the cantor or the gabbai said: May the Torah be read on Mondays and Thursdays, the Liturgy of Lecha Dodi, and the psalm for the Sabbath day, blessed be He, for everything after the publication of the Sefer Torah, the blessings of the haftara. "Our Lord Emperor Franz I …", the Blessing of the Month with the Table of the Homelands for the years 1828-1851, BirkatHaChodesh, ZikrotNeshamot, MechirahBrachot, Ba’al Ha-Megillah and Asher Hanei.

The book underwent repairs in the synagogue over the years, the edges of the pages were worn out and the text was rewritten in an artistic writer’s handwriting, tape to strengthen various pages throughout the book, ink smears and slight tears pasted at the gate. Spine and binding decomposed and worn. General condition ok to good.

29 written pages. 34×25 cm.