Auction 80

Rare! Leaf Handwritten by Sar Beit Hazohar Rabbeinu Hakadosh Zvi Hirsch of Ziditchov Authorgraph of His Book Ateret Zvi on the Zohar

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Start price: $10,000

Buyer's premium:

Sacred and awe-inspiring! First time auctioned! A leaf handwritten by the Gaon Sar Beit Hazohar Rabbeinu Hakadosh Zvi Hirsch of Ziditchov. Authorgraph of his famed book Ateret Zvi on the Zohar. The leaf contains his Divrei Torah on Parashat Acharey. 

[1] leaf written on both sides (20-21 lines per page). 20X12 cm. Stains and minor restorations along the edges. Impressive leather binding. 

Rabbeinu the Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Ziditchov (1763-1831) one of the leading contemporary Tzaddikim, founder of the Ziditchov Chassidut and a model of Avodat Hashem and Ahavat Yisrael. Was born in Sofrin, Galicia to Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac who was a descendant of the Tosfot Yom Tov.

His rabbis including the Maggid of Kozhnitz and Rabbi Mendel of Rimanov greatly praised him. It is told that Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz said of him that he was not a regular human-being but rather an angel in the form of a human. Was known for his prayers so much so that it was said that the world shakes from his prayer. Rabbi Zvi Hirsch constantly emphasized the love of Israel, even to the simplest Jews, saying that the soul of every Jew is precious in the Creator’s eyes as an irreplaceable treasure. The Divrei Chaim of Sans said of him that Stam Rabbi refers to Rabbi Zvi Hirsch.

Due to his study of Kabbalah, was known as Sar Beit Hazohar. The Rav of Shinova siad that travelling to his grave in Ziditchov on the Hillula day is like travelling to Atara Kaddisha in Meiron on Lag BaOmer and recommended