Auction 77

Sefer Yesod! Pedigreed Copy: Shut Avodat Hagershoni - First Edition Frankfurt am Main, 1699

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $150

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Sefer Shut Avodat Hagershoni by the Gaon Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi, who was an important contemporary Meshiv and Rav of the large and important communities of Nikolsburg, Vienna and Metz. "ואח"כ נתבקש לראש תפארת ישראל בקהילה מפוארה… ווינא וכד נהפך משוש תפארתם והלכו בני ישראל לגולה והגאון הנ"ל היה בתוך הבאים אז נתקבל לאב"ד.. מיץ" – the version of the title page, indicating the expulsion of the Austrian Jews in the 15th century.

First Edition Frankfurt am Main, 1699.
In the Rare Book Collection of the National Library. [4], 94, [4] leaves. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod 301. Lengthy foreword by Rabbi David Oppenheim Av Beit Din of Prague from when he was Rav in Nikolsburg and Brisk. Following the title page, a fine poem by the author with an extended elucidation.

Fine copy, except for stains and some moth damage in several places close to the spine. In addition, taped paper from the time of printing (see picture). Healthy binding matching the period. 

On the title page, an ownership notation:
"לה’ הארץ ומלואה הק’ הירץ שייאר סגל" – not thoroughly studied. And a stamp:
"בהמ"ד פו"מ מה"ו יחיאל וולך זצ"ל" [the ancient Kloiz of Altona-Hamburg].