Sefer Sha’ar Hamelech on the Rambam, 3 sections bound together, the complete work, by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Moshe Nunis Bilmonty. As indicated by the title page, this is the second edition of this important work but the first to feature the Ta’am HaMelech commentary by Rabbi Baruch ben Yona Yitlis. Section I was printed in 1801, section II in 1802, and section III in 1803, in the city of Brin by Yosef Rosman.
Important approbations, including one by Rabbi Mordechai Bennett of Nikolsburg. Title page with red lettering. [4], 88, 137, 104 leaves.
Signatures and notations (some of them not identified by us):
– "הרש ב"ר שלמה ליב".
– "הק’ משה יוסף LOWY".
_ On the front flyleaf, a fine, lengthy dedication to "כמו"ה אברהם גראס נ"י, חתנא דבי נשיאה הרב הגאון המובהק אב"ד ק"ק יערגען", חתומה בידי הכותב "הק’ מרדכי מאיר???"
– On the back of the book: "שייך להקצין המפורסם הנגיד כ"ה הרש ב"ה שלמה ליב, בעה"ח,
הק’ חיים פייגעלבערג (and his foreign handwritten signature – about him, see below).
– "ניתן לי במתנה מאת מחותני המו"ח הקצין הנעלה אי"א כקש"ת כ"ה צבי הרש הערשלער נ"י אין ק"ק פרויענקירכען, באתי על החתום…???".
– On the last leaf, a complete page in fine orderly script titled:
"הגהות הרב הגאון הגדול המפורסם ומו"ה יוסף שאול הלוי נאטהנזאהן נ"י האבד"ק לבוב והגליל" written in th elifetime of the Gaon Rabbi Shaul Nathanson.
Rabbi Chaim Feigelsberg Av Beit Din of Kiskőrös (1710-1766) a disciple of the Chatam Sofer. Was famed for his passing to do the bid of his Creator. Rabbi Yosef Ehringruber recalled that once, when he lived in Kiskőrös, someone knocked on his door at the dawn of Rosh Hashanah. When he opened the door, he saw it was Rabbi Chaim, who asked him, as a Baal Toke’a, to do him a favor and blow the Shofar since he cannot wait any longer to observe the Mitzvah!