HaOhel Olam, an important work on Masechet Ketubot by Rabbi Akiva Lerin (Lehren, the son of Rabbi Yehuda leib), Dayan of Frankfurt am Main, the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Frankfurter, after whom he was named. At the end of the book, a Kuntres titled Meshech Hazara on Kilayim.
First ediiton – Frankfurt am Main, 1714. Origianlly, [1], 87, [3] leaves. In this copy, the title page and 2 leaves at the end are missing. 87, [1] leaves. In the Rare Book Collection of the National Library. Restoraion to some leaves, affecting the text. Stains. Moth perforations and damage. Fair overall condition.
On the guard leaf, ownership notations, including: "וישב אברהם פתח האהל, למען לא ישלחו אנשים רקים בעולתה ידיהם
הק’ אברהם צוועבנר מפ"ש" –
the handwritten signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shag-Zwebner. An addition notation indicating thic copy was owned by him, handwritten by his son: "זה הספר שייך לאאמ"ו… מוה’ אברהם… ר"מ דק"ק שאטטעלסדארף… בעה"ח בו הנ"ל… בער…",
the handwritten signature of his son Rabbi Yissachar Ber Zwebner, the father of the Zwebner family of Jerusalem, who published his father’s books. An addiitonal ancient signature: "הק’ יעקב כץ?".
The Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shag Zwebner (1801?-1876), one of the leading disciples of the Chatam Sofer, who said of him that
nowehere near Pressburg was there a Talmid Chacham great as him and that a Tzaddik like him did not exist in the entire state. When he was 72, he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael with his disciple, the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaom Sonnenfeld. Author of Shut Ohel Avraham and Drashot HaRosh (see more – HaChatam Sofer Vetalmidav p. 8).