Auction 77

Fine Copy in an Original Binding: Machzor for Yamim Noraim, Custom of the Sepharadim, with an Addition of Prayers by the Chida and the Or Hachaim Hakadosh - Livorno, 1831

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Start price: $100

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Machzor for Yamim Noraim, "Per the custom of the Sepharadim of Kushtantina and the Eastern and Western countries and Italy. With prayers, Techinot and Bakashot … and Dinim belonging to the Loazim [a foreword and some instructions in Ladino]… Seder Haselichot… and we have added Selichot and Tashlich and some prayers by the Gaon the Chida [Rabbeinu Chaim Yosef David Azulai] that did not appear in previous editions…". With Hagahot Rabbi Chaim Moda’i on Seder HaAvodah of Yom Kippur, without his name. On the last page, a prayer by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar [the Or Hachaim Hakadosh] to be said on Yom Kippur when the prayer leader is saying Vaya’avor.  – Livorno, 1831. 

Printed by Yaakov Tuviyana, Livorno – [1831]. 360 leaves. 18 cm. Some moth perforations. Fine original binding with minor blemishes. Good overall condition – rare for prayer books that were frequently used. 

Ownership signature of Yaakov Chaim Nachman, apparently of the Konsolo family of Ancona, and his stamps. J.V.  CONSOLO ANCONA. Before the Aravit prayer of Yom Kippur, a handwritten leaf was added with the Piyyut Uri Ayumati, titled "A plea said on Yom Kippur eve before Aravit".