Auction 77

Interesting and Unique! Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung in His Youth to Rabbi Hillel Posek Enclosed with a Book Published by His Father: Ma'asseh Roke'ach - First Edition Sanok, 1912

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Start price: $240

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Sefer Ma’asseh Roke’ach authored by Rabbeinu Elazar, the son of Rabbeinu Yehuda ben Rabbi Klonimus of Worms, the grandson of Rabbeinu Yehuda Hachassid. Copied from an ancient manuscript on parchment. Published by Rabbi Chaim Hirschprung. Printed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Mushel, Sanok, 1912. [2], 62, [2] pp. Detached leaves. Stains and other minor blemishes. Good overall condition. 

The letter

Mounted on verso of the title page is a letter handwritten and isgned by the Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung, in his youth, when he was still living in Dokla. The letter is addressed to RTabbi Hillel Posek. In the letter, he praises Rabbi Hillel’s books noting that he has many comments on his book. Rabbi Pinchas Pinchas writes in apology that he has no more copies of his book Pri Pinchas and therefore, he is sending this book "by the grandson of my grandfather Rabbeinu Yehuda Hachassid…this book being published by my father Shlita…".

The book

This book, which is but a small protion of the Halachic Torah of Rabbeinu the Roke’ach (see Prof. Simcha Emanuel’s excellent article חיבוריו ההלכתיים של ר’ אלעזר מוורמייזא, 2001, pp. 204-230), is based on a amnuscript that was owned by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot of Brod, who edited the book and added his foreword, which for some reason was not printed. The manuscript reached Rabbi David Zvi Zehman (Rabbi Tevli Dokler, the Rav of Dokla for approx. fifty years, a Chassid of the Admorim Rabbi David Moshe of Chortekov and his son Rabbi Yisrael, author of Sefer Minchat Solet). His son-in-law, Rabbi Chaim Hirschprung published the book. 

The writer

Th efamed Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung (1912-1998) was born in Dokla, Poland to his father the Gaon Rabbi Chaim. Was a famed Posek and Chassid of the Tzaddikim of Chortekov. 

Studied at the Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin and eventually served as the Bochen of the yeshiva. It is told that a Chareidi writer once asked the Maharam Shapira what was so special about his yeshiva. The Maharam Shapira replied immediately that there is an excellent student at the yeshiva named Pinchas of Dokla who knows by heart two thousand two hundred leaves of Gemore with the Tosfot…

Was a Chavruta of the Admor the Shefa Chaim, the Rav of Klausenburg, who once said that he is not surprised that Rabbi Pinchas so clearly rememebers the Shas since he repeats it several times a month.