Sefer Segulah—Lehem Min HaShamayim. First edition, Munkatch 1905. Chassidic edition.
Lehem Min HaShamayim, kavanot of the Ari for every day as well as Shabbat and Yom Tov. An important work attributed to the gaon and kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov ben Tzemach Hayyim. The title page notes that this work was in a Sefardi manuscript in the library of Rabbi Elimeleh Kalish, who commanded his son Rabbi Shalom to print it. First edition. [1], 42 leaves.
Approbations from Admor the Darchei Tshuva of Munkatch, who even writes: “Take this as a blessing for your homes…”. Rabbi Shalom who brought this to the printer also states: “Take this as a blessing for your homes…and I prayer…that the author’s zechut will stand for you…and provide plenty and blessings and success..”.
Bound with Sefer Hasidim Warsaw 1902, Or lashamym lublin 1914 and Agra Dafraka Laemberg 1910.