Auction 76

General Letter by the Rebbe with His Photocopied Signature about Lag BaOmer - Iyar, 1970

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Start price: $100

Buyer's premium:

General letter by the Rebbe about Lag BaOmer "about the actions taken regarding the Yom Sgulah…". A detailed letter, on both sides of the leaf, with Chassidic instructions, guidance and sources about the day. At its end, many blessings by the Rebbe, related to Baal Hahillula "התנא הגדול רבי שמעון בר יוחאי, של"ג בעומר הוא יום שמחתו, שאמר יכול אני לפטור את כל העולם כולו מן הדין… בברכה להצלחה בכל האמור ולבשורות טובות….", with a photocopy of the Rebbe’s signature. 

[1] leaf. Approx. 33X22 cm. Fold lines and minor stains. Good overall condition.