Basic Book in an Original Binding: Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi (Brisk) - First Edition Brisk, 1936 Fine Copy on Quality Paper
Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi "Chidushim and commentary on the Rambam" by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik Av Beit Din of Brisk. A scholarly, groundbreaking book which would greatly influence the yeshiva world and its scholarly discourse. Is also considered to be most precise and therefore is constantly cited in the following manner: "ר’ חיים אין סייפר" that is, Rabbi Chaim in his book, writes so…
First edition – Brisk, 1936. [1], 112 leaves. Foreword by the author’s sons, which according to the family tradition, was written by his son Rabbi Yitzchak Ze’ev Halevi. Stefansky Sifrei Yessod no. 150.
Fine original binding with a professional reinforcement of fabric to the spine, healthy paper! Fine, wide margins. Good overall condition.