Auction 75

Handwritten Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis of Brod on Shut Pri Tevu'ah - First Edition Novi Dvohr, 1796

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Start price: $500

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Shut Pri Tevu’ah, dealing with Dinei Mamonot and Hilchot Issur Veheiter. By the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Margolis Av Beit Din of Shebrashin, the author of varied science, Mussar and poetry works. First Edition – Novi Dvohr, 1796. According to the title page, this is the second section and later it is stated that the first section was titled Torah Achat; however, apparently, it was never printed. An important work that is frequently cited by Sefer Sha’arei Teshuva and the Mishnah Berurah. Fine margins. Late, blemished binding, partly detached. Some tears. Some taping. Stains. Good overall condition.

Pedigreed copy!
Appearing on the title page, beneath the book’s title, is the handwritten signature of Rabbeinu the Beit Ephraim:
"הק’ אפרים זלמן מרגליות מבראד תמוז תקפ"א".

The Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis (1761-1828) one of the greatest Poskim of recent generations, was a descendant of Rabbi Alexander Sender Schor, author of the Tevu’ot Shor. Author of Mateh Ephraim, Tiv Gittin, Beit Ephraim, Sha’arei Ephraim and more.

Chassidic connection!
 Gave the Divrei Chaim of Sanz his Hora’ah Semicha and approbated the book Likutei Moharan by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Rabbeinu The Chatam Sofer used many superlatives to describe him and in his eulogy for him described him as: "גדול עולם, אבי אבי רכב ישראל ופרשיו ושמעתתיה מבדרן ובכל יום שמועותיו בבתי מדרשנו מחיבוריו שחיבר".

An additional ancient notation on the top of the title page: "רפאל בר"י…" partly cut – not thoroughly studied. 

The author
The author the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Margolis (1747-1811) the son of Rabbi Asher Zelig Margolis. When he was only eighteen, received his Semicha from the Noda BiYehuda and at the age of 20, was appointed Rav of Sochatchov. During his life, he served as Rav and Darshan of several communities. During his travels, he reached Vilna, where he met with HaGra and even merited being his Meshamesh.

When he was Rav of Shebrashin, he was pressured by local Chassidim to travel to the Maggid of Mezeritch. Since he used to be the Meshamesh of HaGra of Vilna, he refused. After continuous pressure, he resigned from his position, handing it over to his son, Rabbi Asher Zelig, saying:
”אני שראיתי ונסעתי אצל הגאון מוילנא, אי אפשר לי ואינני רשאי ליסע למעזריטש, אתה שלא ראית את הגאון מוילנא, מותר לך לנסוע למעזריטש”. (I, who saw the Gaon of Vilna, cannot travel to Mezeritch; you, who have not seen the Gaon of Vilna, can).

In 1804, he was chosen as the Rav of Frankfurt an der Oder, succeeding the Pri Megadim. The fact that he was highly knowledgeable and wrote science and philosophy books as well led the members of the German Enlightenment Movement and Reform Jews to believe he supported them although, in fact, he fought Moshe Mendelson and the Enlightenment Movement.