Auction 75

May Wealth be Forever in Their Home - Fascinating Letter Signed by the Admor Rabbi Yeshaya Meshulam Zussia of Chernobyl - about Aid to the Chassidim who Came to His Chatzer from Eretz Yisrael!!!

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Start price: $2,000

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

צורת פניו כצורת הבעש"ט הקדוש! – letter with interesting content – signed by the Admor Rabbi Yeshaya Meshulam Zussia of Chernobyl, the son of Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl and in-law of the Admor the Maharid of Belz.

The letter recalls the happenings of two Chassidim who made their way from Eretz Yisrael to Chernobyl, Ukraine, to visit Rabbeinu "וגם בישיבתם בביתי כמה חודשים קבלתי קורת רוח מאתם והנה זה פעם שני התעוררו באהבת אמת לבוא לקבל פני…" After some time at the Chatzer, they ran out of money and their passports expired "היה עצתי שיסעו לאיזה מקומות לאנשי לבבי לבקש עזר ההוצאה… אך לא הצליח בידם כי התמהמהו עד כלות זמן הפאס…".

Rabbeinu sent his letter to his Chassidim in Radmishla, which was on the road from Chernobyl to Odesa and a station on the way of the Chassidim back to Eretz Yisrael. 

 At the end of his letter, Rabbeinu blesses those who assist: ע"כ אברכם בהון ועושר בביתם לעולם… וצדקתם תעמוד לעד… ויהיה שלום בחילם ובהיכלם…".

Letters by Rabbeinu are extremely rare!!!

Double leaf. 

13.5X21.5 cm. 

Totally readable. Dampness and mold stains. Perforation slightly affecting the text. Fair condition. 

The Admor Rabbi Yeshaya Meshulam Zussia (1814-1881) the son of the Admor Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl and beloved grandson of the Maggid of Chernobyl. The Maggid revered this grandson of his saying that he looks like the Baal Shem Tov: צורת פניו כמו הבעל שם טוב הק’!!!! Rabbeinu was the in-law of the Admor Rabbi Yissachar Dov of Belz. It is told that once a man came to the Admor of Chernobyl. He told the Admor that he owned an inn in a village close to Chernobyl and a church was being built near his inn. The priest told him that it was not respectable to have an inn near a church and the inn-owner feared this would impact his earnings. Rabbi Zusha asked him to stay for Sabbath. During the Havdalah, he gave him the Havdakah candle to hold, saying: "hold it so it burns well". When the inn-owner returned home he discovered that a fire had broken out, burning the church. (Admorei Belza, III).