Auction 70

Collection of Works on Taharat Hamishpacha, Some of Them Rare and Unknown

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Start price: $100

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Collection of booklets and works on Taharat Hamishpacha (Purity of the Family), most of them for women. Some of them rare and bibliographically unknown. An important collection enabling a peek into the important work of Israeli rabbis for encouraging the Mitzvah of Taharat Hamishpacha.

1. Advertisement: לפני ד’ תטהרו" issued by the Center for Taharat Hamishpacha and the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. Hasefer Press, Jerusalem. The year is not noted. The Ephemera Collection of the National Library does not have such a copy, although there is a similar one from 1960?.

2. Purity of the family… survival of the nation. Published by The Women’s Division of the Melbourne Mikveh Society, Melbourne, Australia. The year of printing is not noted. We could not find this item in the Ephemera Collection of the National Library

3. די ריינהייט ביי אידען, Yiddish. By Yehoshua Sacks. New York, 1952. On verso, translated from Yiddish: Published by the Center for Taharat Hamishpacha in Eretz Yisrael and Jerusalem. 

4. Handbook for Husbands – New York, 1954. Not in the national Library

5. Small booklet "for the Hebrew woman". Published by the Women Organization of the Committee for Taharat Hamishpacha of Jerusalem – Jerusalem, 1945?.

6. Choveret Chayei Haguf Vehanefesh, by Rabbi Reuven Miletzki – Jerusalem, 1935. Hebrew and Yiddish. 

7. Amira Lebeit Yaakov, Dinei Nidah, Chalah, Hadlakat Haner and Melicha. By the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Halevi Bamberger Av Beit Din of Wurzburg. Second ediiton, Jerusalem, 1962?

8. Small booklet, De Idishe Frau, in Yiddish. Published by Taharat Hamishpacha Comitet, Williamsburg. Published by Shraga, Brooklyn, 1951. In one place, taping with text. Apparently, correction of the print. 

9. Small booklet, "Sefer Taharat Hamishpacha authored by the conference of Orthodox rabbis on Hilchot Nidah in short … in 1937 … and now copied into Hebrew…" – The Committee for the Purity of the Family in Brooklyn, 1977, third edition. 

Conditions vary. Has not been studied for missing leaves – apparently complete copies.