Auction 70

Pedigreed Copy of the Tshaba Rabbis and Dedication by the Author's Grandson: Books by Rabbi Moshe ibn Chaviv - Karslruhe, 1766 / Imrei Binah by the Maharam Esh - First Edition, Ungvar, 1866

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Start price: $50

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Volume containing to important books, pedigreed copies:

1. Sefer Shemot BaAretz, Yom Tru’ah and Tosefet Yom Hakippurim Vechapot Tmartin by Rabbi Moshe ibn Chaviv (an ancient sage of the 15th century) – second edition – Karslruhe, 1766. [2], 16, 30, 41 leaves.

On the title page, a stamp: "שרגא שמואל שניטצלער אב"ד דקה"י בעקעשטשאבא והגליל יצ"ו" and identical foreign stamps – the wonder-wroker Rabbi Sheraga Shmuel Schnitzler Av Beit Din of Tashaba (1889-1980) the son of Rabbi Baruch Yehuda, a descendant of the holy Gaon Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg. Was a Chassidic Rav of several villages and towns in Hungary. Was a famed wonder-worker. Was a disciple of Rabbi Menachem Brody of Kaliv and Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald of Satmar and a leading Chassid of the Maharid of Belz and his son the Admor Rabbi Aharon, He merited being buried near Rabbi Aharon’s gravesite. Was Rav of Tshaba (Békéscsaba, Hungary). After World War II, immigrated to Jerusalem, where by the advice of his holy Rav of Belz, he refused a position of Rav and where he passed away in 1980. After his passing, his Divrei Torah were published by his grandson and successor Rabbi Meshulam Shalom Weinberg in the book Birkot Shmuel. His father-in-law (by his second marriage) was the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Zussia of Skolen. His descendants are important Chareidi Admorim, Rabbis and dignitaries in Israel and abroad.

2. Sefer Imrei Binah, Chidushei Halachot of Seder Moed and Nashim by Rabbi Meir Eisenstadt Av Beit Din of Ungvar known as the Maharam Esh. First edition published by his son Rabbi Menachem Av Beit Din of Chust – Ungvar, 1866. [3], 6-148 leaves. 

On the title page, a dedication handwritten and signed by the author’s grandson and the publisher’s son, Rabbi Meir Eisenstadt to Rabbi Shmuel Steiner. Alongside it, a foreign stamp of Shmuel Steiner. 

An additinal stamp: "משולם זישא שניטצלער שו"ב דפה קה"י ב’טשאבא והגלילות יצ"ו"  – the son of the Gaon of Tshaba who was a famed Mohel. 

Detached sheets. Much moth damage. Poor overall condition. Has not been studied for missing leaves.