Auction 70

Special Copy with a Handwritten Notation by the Author's Distinguished Mother-in-Law: Yad Yitzchak 2 Sections with the Covers and an Impressive Origina Leather Binding - First Edition Vilna, 1867-1870

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Start price: $200

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Sefer Yad Yitzchak, section I – novellae on the Rambam and twelve Drushim and section II – novellae on the entire Talmud by the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Hacohen ben Rabbi Yaakov Kopel Aronovsky of Kovno, author of Terumat Yitzchak on the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah and a commentary on Sefer hachinuch. 

First edition – Vilna, the press of Rabbi Yosef Rom. Section I: 1867. 48 leaves. Section II: 1870. 47 leaves. Section I is bound after section II. This copy has all the original, pink covers – see pictures. The binding is more elegant than usual; possibly this was a variant to be given as a gift – see below. 

In section I, approbations by leading contemporary rabbis including the Natziv of Volozhin, Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor of Kovna and more. At the beginning, an introduction by the author, its second part referring to his father-in-law, Rabbi Meir Anikster, and mother-in-law, Mrs. Rivka Lipe the daughter of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Luria Av Beit Din of Krakinovi and his succeeding son, his mother-in-law’s brother, Rabbi Natan Note Luria, who wrote an approbation for the book. 

Original, elegant leather binding with an ornate embossment in its center. A different ornate embossment on the back board. Slightly loose spine. Some moth damage and peforations. Some tears to the edges of some leaves. Good overall condition. 

Unique copy!

Appearing on the front flyleaf is a lengthy, touching notation in Yiddish written by the author’s mother-in-law, titled "לזכר עולם עד לימות המשיח" asking to be redeemed by merit of her sacred forefathers and noting that she wishes to be commemorated by writing her name on this book that contains the Divrei Torah of her father and brother. She ends with the words: "דאס שרייב איך איצט מיט מיין שוואכי הארץ און מיט מיין שוואכי היינט השי"ת זאל מיר פאר שטארקין אלי מיינע גלידר אז איך זאל נאך זוכה דעם גואל צדיק אמן רבקה ליפע בת הרב הגאון מו"ה משה מישל לוריא"

On the margins of the cover, an ownership notation by her husband: "שאיך להרב ר’ מאיר אניקשטער".

The important woman Mrs. Rivka Lipa Anikster the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Michel Luria, Rav of Krakinovi. All her brothers were important Talmidei Chachamim who authored books. She was a distinguished, inspiring woman. Authored a short touching work, Kuntres Zecher Olam, which was published for the first time in 1882, containing a letter in Yiddish and Hebrewshe wrote to her sons and brothers. The content is Mussar and Yirat Hashem.