Auction 70

Letter Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Aryeh Levi to Rabbi Bezalel Rom - Jerusalem, Iyar, 1965

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Start price: $200

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"פני אדמו כתולע בושתי ונכלמתי.." Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aryeh Levi from Iyar 1965. Addressed to his friend Rabbi Bezalel Rom. 

The letter is written in poetic language is fuill of superlatives and words of love. It sfirst part is an apology for responding for such a long time: "בפרט אשר לא השבתי על מכתביכם שכתבתם אלי אשר על זה הקפדתי תמיד להשיב בזמנו כי זה בגדר ‘הנותן שלום לחבירו ואינו משיבו נקרא גזלן’…". He ends with his blessing and handwritten signature. 

13X20 cm. Some stains. Good condition. 

The Jerusalem Tzaddik Rabbi Aryeh Levin (1885-1969) was the son of Rabbi Binyamin Beinush. He was mashgiach at the Etz Chaim yeshiva in Jerusalem and one of the greatest figures of the city. He was known for his chesed, and became known as Avi HaAsirim or Rav HaAsirim for visiting prisoners every Shabbos for more than 25 years, even during the British Mandate. He studied at the Volozhin yeshiva under Rabbi Refael Shapira, and was certified for the rabbinate by Rabbi Chaim Berlin. Upon the establishment of the State of Israel he established the yshiva now named after him, Beit Aryeh. He was the father-in-law of the Grish Elyashiv and his descendants include Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein and Rav Kook of Tiberias and many others. His will stated not to say eulogies for him.