"ואני תפלה לנורא תהלה שכל מי שיביא לביתו הספר הזה הנכבד והנעלה יהי לו לשמירה מעולה וינצל מכל מחלה ומקרה ופגע חלילה, ויעלה מזלו מעלה מעלה" (I pray that anyone who brings this book into his home be protected and saved from any sickness…)
Tehillim with the Darash Moshe Commentary by the holy Rav the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Osterer author of Arugat Habosem – first edition, Lvov 1879.
This Tehillim was based on a manuscript from the library of the Admor Rabbi Yehoshua Roke’ach of Belz and with his enthusiastic approbation.
Additional approbations by leading Chassidic Rabbis, including by the Admor Rabbi Yeshaya Muszkat, author of Harei Besamim, who writes: "משכו וקחו לכם הספר הזה והביאו הברכה אל בתיכם,
ואני תפלה לנורא תהלה שכל מי שיביא לביתו הספר הזה הנכבד והנעלה יהי לו לשמירה מעולה וינצל מכל מחלה ומקרה ופגע חלילה, ויעלה מזלו מעלה מעלה, כי דבריו יצאו בקדושה ובטהרה גדולה". (Purchase this book and bring it to your himes and I pray that anyone who brings this book into his home be protected and saved from any sickness…)
Unique Variant! This edition had two variants. The first was printed with the approbation by Maran the Divrei Chaim of Sanz and was meant to be marketed in Galicia. A second variant was published with approbations by the holy Admorim of Ruzhin and was meant to be marketed in Russia, Ukraine and Romania, apparently due to the dispute between the courts of Sanz and Sadigura at the time.
This variant is unique. In this copy, both approbations, by the Admor of Sanz and by the Admorim of Ruzhin, were originally (!) printed. We do not know of another copy similar to this one! In addition, there are six leaves containing the list of subscribers from Romania, which do not appear in other copies and are not listed elsewhere.
Please refer to Hebrew catalog text for a complete list of the approbations appearing in this copy.
[1], 345, 38 leaves. Leaves 37-38 were misplaced in the binding.
New semi-leather binding. Good overall condition.