Auction 60

“Their gerus is not even gerus” – a halachic response written by hand and signed by Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, Mara d’Ara, regarding accepting converts and a daughter’s inheritance.

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Start price: $500

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“He will write to the heads of the same Agudah that he needs and they will certainly try to send” – a halachic letter regarding acceptance of converts and a daughter’s inheritance, written by the Ga’avad of the Eida Charedit, mentioning the Agudas Yisrael in Poland. Jerusalem, 1930s.

The letter has several subjects: acceptance of a female convert, acceptance of a male convert, and a daughter’s inheritance. Regarding the acceptance of converts, he writes: “if it is known…that they truly wish to convert with a clean heart and follow the entire Torah…as stated in the Shulchan Aruch that it is known that their kavana is ‘leshem shamayim’ to attach themselves to Jewish destiny, so it is a mitzvah to accept them; while those who do not accept upon themselves the entire written and oral Torah their gerus is not a gerus at all and they are not Jews.”

Later he links the different subjects regarding the explosive matter of a daughter’s inheritance. “It was then traditional to write a ‘shtar chetzi zachar’ [half-man document], something uncommon among us, but there are those among our Polish brethren; he should write to the heads of the same Agudah that he needs and they will certainly try to send for the benefit of the rabbim.”

Duplicate paper, 14x22cm. Creases, good condition.