Sefer Pe’at HaShulchan, laws of mitzvot that depend on being in Israel (mitzvot hatluyot ba’aretz) which do not appear in the Shulchan Aruch, by the gaon Rabbi Yisrael ben Rabbi Mendel of Shklov, the youngest student of the Gra. Printed by Rabbi Yisrael Bak. [4], 109, [1] leaves. Stefanski Yesod 205. Catalogued by the NLI as a Rare Book.
The book’s introduction by the author tells a lot about the greatness of his rabbi the Gra, about his method and ways, as well as stories he heard first-hand from his elite students. The author also describes his hardships in the Land of Israel, and the events of his life in Jerusalem and Tzfat. The book is one of the last books that were printed in Safed one year before the earthquake. Following the earthquake, the printer Rabbi Yisrael Bak immigrated to Jerusalem where he re-established his printing house and set the bar for Jerusalem printing houses.
Includes the last leaf—the table of errors and corrections which does not appear in all copies. Old binding, leather spine, defective and falling apart. Stains, tape, a few worming holes, most of the book is in good condition.
Stamps with the name “Issachar Beer Levi” around 24. The title page and the end of the book have notes of ownership: “Moshe Zvi Levenson – Me’ah She’arim”—not checked thoroughly.