Auction 56

Rare and with yichus: Naftali Sva Ratzon. Early edition, Furth 1727

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $170

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Sefer Naftali Sva Ratzon on the Torah and Five Megillot, by Rabbi Naftali Hertz Ginzburg. Second edition. 91 leaves. Kept in the Rare books section of the National Library. Handsome engraved title page with Moses and Aaron. Addition of approbations for this edition from Ashkenazi rabbis: Rabbi Baruch Kahane Rapaport, Av Beit Din of Furth; Rabbi Yaakov Kohen (Popres) of Prague, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt; Rabbi Moshe Katznelbeugen, Av Beit Din of Ansbach.

New binding, defects and stains, last leaves are professionally repaired. Overall good condition.

The first leaf has a faint stamp: “
Moshe Eliezer Fromowitz, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt A.M. Zeilsheim". This Rabbi was a student of the gaon Rabbi Mendel of Vishay, son of the Saba Kadisha the Admor Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz, and student of the gaon Naot Desha of Nietra (he was later appointed by the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz to study with his sons, later Admorim).
He was Av Beit Din in Sorloy, which he inherited from his father-in-law Rabbi Abeles. He was very close with the Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz and son-in-law Rabbi Yudeleh of Dzikov, who recognized the power of his prayers.

After the war he worked to re-establish the Sheerit Plita and religion, reinforcing Judaism, shmirat shabbat, kashrut and mikvas. He worked first in Zeilsheim, next to Frankfurt, and there worked to free agunim and agunot.

Antique note on the title page: “David Avram bar Michael” (?).