Auction 56

Foundational work (Sefer Yesod): Lechem Mishneh on the Rambam, part 1. First edition, Venice 1604

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $600

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Lechem Mishneh, part 1, an important work on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Avraham de Buton.
First edition (printed by Daniel Zanetti), Venice 1604. Part 1: Science-Kedusha, 42; 163 leaves.
Catalogued in the National Library’s Rare Books section. Stefanski Sifrei Yesod 145. Important work which is almost always printed alongside the Rambam in most editions.

Joint approbation from Rabbi Ben Zion Sarfati, Rabbi Leib Sroval, and Rabbi Yitzhak Gershon. Second leaf has an introduction from the author’s son (Rabbi Meir de Buton). Leaves 3-4a feature an introduction from the person who brought it to publication, Rabbi Yosef de Novis, son of Rabbi Yehuda ben Rabbi Shmuel ben Rabbi Yosef de Novis.
The last page has two poems praising the work: [1] Eleh Divrei Pi Chacham Chen by Rabbi Moshe Tarfon. [2] Oro Tzamei Bein Se’u Rina.

The title page has an engraved illustration of a rabbi. High-quality paper, illustrated page cuttings, new binding, worming holes and damage, overall fair condition for a book this old.

Antique note of ownership on the title page—not checked thoroughly. Notes in foreign languages at the end of the book.