Auction 55

Original leather bindings: Two volumes of the Ein Yaakov, printed by Shapira in Zhytomyr. 1850. From the library of the Chochmei Lublin yeshiva.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $180

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Two volumes of the Ein Yaakov, which collects all of the aggadot and midrashim included in Shas with Rashi’s commentary, Tosafot, chiddushei Ramban, Ritva, and Ran. “By the sage (sections 1-2 accidentally printed the author’s name as Rabbi Shlomo bar Yaakov) R’ Yaakov bar Shlomo Haviv…”. Printed by the partners, grandsons of the Slavita Rav, Rabbis Chanina Lipa and Yehoshua Heschel Shapira in Zhytomyr.

Second section (Yoma-Yevamot): [2], 6, 9-432, [2], 433-481 pages. Third section (Ketuvot – Bava Batra) : 498 pages.

Original leather bindings with defects. One of the volumes is without the spine. Lots of worming holes, stains, light defects. Overall fair condition.

The second volume has stamps: “Library of the Chochmei Lublin yeshiva in Lublin.”