Auction 54
Lot 131:
Letter from Rabbi Chaim and his wife the rabbanit Bat Sheva Kanievsky. Folded leaf containing four written pages.
They open with a number of handwritten lines from Maran addressing his father-in-law, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv: “Motzei Shabbat Ki Tisa 1952, Bnei Brak, for his honor the gaon shlita, a copy of the tshuva of the Trumat HaDeshen, siman 226.”
Under that is the copy itself, for more than two pages, handwritten by the rabbanit.
At the end of the letter are a few more lines handwritten by Maran Kanievsky: “I still don’t understand what maran shlita said in clarifying the words of the Meiri in Gittin…”. In this manner he links two matters, a rare insight into the Torah knowledge of two Jewish greats.
The last leaf has a warm letter from the rabbanit to her father: “Hello my dear parents and peace to our dear family! How are you and how is everyone, how do the grandmothers feel? Are they better? Write to me about them, I am very concerned…”. Later she details how they are doing and testifies to the difficult life of those dedicated to Torah: “…they notified me that all workers receive a mishloach manot of 2.5 dollars. I am thinking of buying another box of olive oil with it and to send it to you when I have an opportunity. Maybe it would be better to write to me what you need for pesach…maybe I should buy you kosher for pesach sugar…”.
The lines also make clear her dedication to her parents: “…it is unnecessary to emphasize that I think about you always. All day I think about you. I wait for Shoshana to come to my during her vacation…send a heartfelt dash to everyone, many kisses, and good health!”.
A duplicate notebook paper. Lone, light stains. 16×20.5cm.
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