1. Sefer Beit L’Avot, a commentary on Pirkei Avot by Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Levi. This edition also has a mystical commentary on Avot by the Ari previously printed in the Shmoneh She’arim by the Maharhav. Jerusalem 1905. [7], 106 leaves. The National Library and Bar Ilan place it in the Rare Books section, other libraries don’t have it. Long introduction by the author. At the beginning and end are chiddushei halacha from him and his father Rabbi Avraham and his brothers Rabbi Shlomo Zalman, Rabbi Asher Lemil, Rabbi Nachum, and his nephew Rabbi Zalman.
2. Yalkut Yisrael, “three books inside, (1) Lashon Yisrael, on matters of preserving the sanctity of the language; (2) Brit Yisrael, on matters relating to preserving the symbol of the holy brit…; (3) Mamon Yisrael, on matters of preserving one’s sanctity against matters related to money…” “I collected…my name is withheld and on Israel in peace”. The author elided his name and is only hinted at—Rabbi Yisrael ben Yitzhak Simcha Berger. First (only?) edition, Satmar 1905. 12 leaves.
3. Sefer Raziel HaMalach, kabbalistic illustrations and amulets for safeguarding a pregnant woman, and more. This is the source for many famous segulot and for preserving one’s knowledge. Just owning the book is a tried and tested segula for safeguarding oneself against fires and damage, as stated on the book’s title page. With notes from the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Printed in Vilna 1881. 32 leaves. Missing the last leaf. The title page states that the printer was “one of Vilna.” Emphasized Vilna symbol, but the National Library states that it was printed in Warsaw.
Binding detached, lone bits of tape, overall good condition.
The title pages and blank leaf have notes of ownership of the gaon kabbalist HaEshel of the Shaar Shamayim yeshiva. The blank first leaf has an interesting handwritten note: “His Excellency Sir Herbert Samuel” (the British High Commissioner in Israel).
Rabbi Ephraim Shmuel Lerner (1879-1962) was the son of Rabbi Mordechai, he served as rosh yeshiva of the Ashkenazi kabbalistic yeshiva Sha’ar HaShamayim in Jerusalem, was a founder of the Sha’arei Chesed neighborhood there, and founded the Gra synagogue there and served there as chazan for many years.