Auction 52

Never before seen at auction: Sefer Tzionim LaTorah, a unique work. First edition, Warsaw 1878. Copy with yichus

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $70

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Tzionim LaTorah, a unique work in which the author took upon himself to explain how the mitzvah of tzitzit is intended to refer to the 613 mitzvot of the Torah, “so that, via this mitzvah, we can recall all of Hashem’s mitzvot, as we are commanded: ‘and you will see it and you will remember all of Hashem’s commandments…’, and as is known from Chazal that the mitzvah of tzitzit is directed against the whole Torah.”

The author’s name which appears on the title page is Rabbi Yehezkel ben Yitzhak. The National Library catalogue lists his surname as Frieser, while the Bibliography of Hebrew Books lists his surname as Rotner. First edition. 44 leaves.

Long introduction from the author, in which he states what led him to write the work: “All my life I felt bad about the written scripture on tzitzit, ‘and you will see it and you will remember all of Hashem’s commandments and fulfil them…and not via remez or seter did the Torah speak but also through wisdom…”. A very interesting work which still has never appeared before at auction. Important approbations from gedolim of the period, who write warmly about the book and the idea it expresses.

Binding detached, no spine, front binding defective, overall good condition. The title page has notes of ownership of the kabbalist HaEshel. Additional note: “Yosef Binyamin Lorrzbeserg(?)”.

Rabbi Ephraim Shmuel Lerner (1879-1962) was the son of Rabbi Mordechai, he served as rosh yeshiva of the Ashkenazi kabbalistic yeshiva Sha’ar HaShamayim in Jerusalem, was a founder of the Sha’arei Chesed neighborhood there, and founded the Gra synagogue there and served there as chazan for many years.