Lot of books by the famous bibliographer Chaim Dov Friedberg, author of Beit Akad Sefarim.
1. Toldot HaDfus HaIvri b’Polanya, with detailed descriptions of dozens of printing houses which operated in Poland, starting from the early days of printing until the destruction of Polish Jewry. The book is a foundational work for understanding Polish Chassidus printing history, including Chassidic printers such as Slavita, Zhitomir, Lemberg, Zolkwa, and more. Second edition, Tel Aviv 1950. 195 pages, moth holes, good condition.
2. Toldot HaDfus HaIvri b’Italia Espanya (Spain) Portugaliya and Turgema (Turkey). Includes a detailed list of all the incunabula printed until 1500, with 50 pictures of them. foundational work for understanding Jewish printing, particularly in the early years of the medium. [2], 169, [62] pages. Good condition.