Auction 44

Rare and unique: A Shtar Tanayim and Shtar Ketuba for the wedding of the Admor Rabbi Yisrael Rabinowitz of Kishinev, son of the Admor of Skolya and son-in-law of the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Zusya of Trisk.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $500

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Shtar Tanayim: from the engagement of Rabbi Yisrael Rabinowitz the Admor of Kishev/Trisk, to the daughter of Admor Rabbi Mordechai Zusya Twersky. Standing on the groom’s side is his brother Admor Rabbi David Yitzhak Isaac of Skolya (the shtar was written after his father’s death, Admor Rabbi Baruch Pinchas of Skolya, so he used his brother as guarantor). Witnesses: Zvi bar Yitzhak HaKohen Liechtenberg and Israel bar Yosef. From Av, 1928. Folding creases, small ink stains, very good condition, 27x21cm.

Ketubah: Written according to the minhag of the time, around 2.5 years after the shtar tanayim, between the groom Rabbi Yisrael Rabinowitz now Admor of Kishenev, and Sarah bat Admor Rabbi Mordechai Zusya Twersky. Witnesses: “Baruch Mordechai ben Rabbi Meir Yosef and Shmuel(?) ben Rabbi Rabinowitz. Written in Podul Iloaei, 1931. 28x20cm. Tears, folding creases, cellotape, fair to good condition.

Rabbi Yisrael Rabinowitz (1905-1971) was the son of the Admor of Skolya. After his marriage he lived in Kishinev where he established his yeshiva in his father’s name. In 1948 he immigrated to New York and afterward to Miami, where he added the town of Trisk to his dynasty after his father-in-law. Toward the end of his life he moved to Israel, where he established his beit midrash in Tel Aviv. He wrote the Yismach Yisrael on the Torah.

Rabbi Mordechai Zusya Twersky was the son of Rabbi Menachem Nachum and grandson of Rabbi Avraham Twersky (the Maggid of Trisk). He married the daughter of Rabbi Yitzhak of Bohosh and resided next to his father-in-law in Bohosh. After his grandfather’s death he was called to serve as Admor of Trisk but he refused. Only years later under pressure from his mother did he agree to serve as Admor in Hozeles, and then moved to Jos, where he became famous as a kabbalist and miracle worker. He died in 1929.