Auction 44

A number of extremely important Chassidic works bound together: Divrei Noam, Seder HaDorot from students of the Baal Shem Tov, and more.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. Divrei Noam, a polemic on matters that stood between Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon of Schpatikva and Rabbi Yehezkel Landau (the Tzlach, Noda B’Yehuda). Warsaw 1892. First edition. The book describes the argument between the two rabbis after the publication of the Toldot Yaakov Yosef. The Noda B’Yehuda (who was a misnagid) wanted to burn it, but the Rebbe of Schpatikva dressed up as a poor man and debated with him for a few days until the Noda B’Yehuda picked it up and kissed the book. 33 leaves. Moth holes, paper a little brittle, pages detached, stain on the last leaf, overall good condition.

2. Shivchei Rabbi Haim Vittel—Lublin 1900
3. Mif’a lot Tzaddikim with Dover Mesharim, stories about the Baal Shem Tov and his students. Lublin 1900
4. Seder HaDorot by students of the Baal Shem Tov, part 1 in which names of the tzaddikim from the days of the Baal Shem Tov until the printing of the work. The book spilled over into a second book with the names of all the books from the famous tzaddikim after the Baal Shem Tov. This is the list of Chassidic works, the first Chassidic biography! Lublin 1900. 64 pages, good condition.