1. Neta Sorek—Rabbi Shraga Zvi Tenenbaum. Munkatch 1898
2. Darchei Haim—Rabbi Haim Mordechai Adler—Ungvar 1919. Bound with Eretz Zvi from Rabbi Zvi Hirsch the Maggid Meisharim of Vodislav, Warsaw 1884
3. Poel Tzedek from the Shach, with glosses from Rabbi Menachem Esh, Av Beit Din of Ungvar. Paksh 1903
4. Likkutei Maharich first section—Rabbi Yisrael Haim Friedman, Av Beit Din of Rachov. Satmar 1932
5. Shut Pri HaSadeh, sections 3 and 4—Rabbi Eliezer Deutsch—Paksh 1913
6. Imrei Esh on the Torah, part 1: Rabbi Meir Esh, Av Beit Din of Ungvar. Munkatch 1901
7. Yalkut HaGershoni—Rabbi Gershon Stern—Sighet 1922
8. Toldot Yisrael—Rabbi Zeev Wolf Ginzler—Kleinvardin 1937
9. Kol Yehuda—Rabbi Leib Rubenstein—Pressburg 1922
10. Shut Beit HaYotzer on the Orech Hayyim and Yoreh De’ah. Rabbi Yoel Zvi Rata, Av Beit Din of Khust. Munkatch 1896
11. Glilei Zahav—Rabbi David of Oshkovitch, Nasad in Transylvania. Satmar 1936. Moth holes
12. Shira LaChayyim HaOlah Taryag—Haim ben Zevulun Av Beit Din of Storopoliya. Bortfeld 1908
13. Ramon Peretz—Rabbi Peretz Tuvya Deutsch, Rabbi of Diash-Dior—Mishklovitz 1940
14. Pamphlet Noam Megadim from the Pri Megadim. With a commentary Beit HaLevi from Rabbi Dov Berl Kimmel, the motz of Knihinitz. Munkatch 1910.
The title page has the signature of Rabbi Zeev Wolf HaLevi Tirnoer, author of the work Tal Orot.
15. Pamphlet Beer Yitzhak by Rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Roller, with the book Shirat Devorah by his son, Rabbi Haim Mordechai Roller. Klausenberg 1925.
Various sizes and conditions.