Sefardi manuscript, a rhyming poem with the title “Al Galut Yafo” about events transpiring for the author. At the end are the lines:
“…and in 1915 according to others’ calendar
Everything was eaten, even the grass of the field,
Gardens and orchards and all kinds of seeds
And fruits of every tree planted and vineyard,
All vegetables of the field, large and small
Oranges and onions with garlic,
Nothing was left, except for the mountains,
Every hilltop was hard and trees were dry
We prepared for war to fight it with bow and with spear,
And every kind of percussion and many spears, and in weapons of war every man of valor, and every warrior Arab and Jews, and gerim with notzrim, boys and girls and little boys. She defeated us with hard battle, because of its height we could not lower it, it blooms and walks and eats the fruit of the trees, and we run after it hungry as donkeys in the woods.”
Written on a leaf partially over both sides—3 written pages total, laminated, size of the leaf: 18x28cm average.
Defects and tears, see picture.