Auction 44

Sefer Yesod: Pnei Yehoshua, fourth section. First edition, Furth 1780. Signatures.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $160

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Pnei Yehoshua on Masechtot Hulin, Makkot, Shvuot, and the Tur Choshen Mishpat. An important, foundational work for those studying the Shas b’Iyun, by Rabbi Yaakov Yehoshua Folk, the Av Beit Din of important communities such as Lviv, Berlin, Metz, and Frankfurt-am-Mein. At the end are “Chiddushei Pnei Aryeh” on the Bava Kama by the same author. First edition. [2], 81 leaves. Stefanski Sifrei Yesod 78. Approbations from the Nodah b’Yehuda of Prague and other rabbis. Stains, red faded page cuttings, lone moth holes, old binding, leather spine, overall good condition. The blank first page has the note: “belongs to the rabi…Yehoshua n”i.” The title page has notes: “Chanani Elokim b’zeh HaSefer P. Heller…” and “Yitzhak ben Rav Shalom Piksel.” Tape with inscription: “In memory of my father Yehoshua Adler Pohrilitz.”