Auction 44

Lot of 10 Jerusalem books, late 19th/early 20th century.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. Zerah Yaakov, droshim by Rabbi Yaakov Shaltiel Ninio—Jerusalem 1912. 2. Pe’at HaShulchan by Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov and Rabbi Yaakov David the Radbaz, with a pamphlet by Rabbi Nachum Weidenfeld at the end entitled “Mishmeret HaBayit”—Jerusalem 1912 3. Zikaron LaChovevim HaRishonim, by Pinchas ben Zvi Greivsky—Jerusalem 1927 4. Mossad HaYesod, a summary of the Vaad HaKlali Knesset Yisrael—Jeursalem 1951 5. Shalmat Haim, printed anonymously—Jerusalem 1935. 6. Shulchan Aruch Orech Hayyim with the commentary Shtilei Zeitim, by David ben Shlomo Mizrahi of Sanaa—Jerusalem 1886. A number of pages are missing and have been filled in by hand in Yemenite script 7. Meir Bat Ayin, a collection of halachot and imrot taharoth by Rabbi Meir baal HaNes to say on the Hilula. Jerusalem 1928. 8. Ben Ish L’Ishto in the spiritual sense, from a lecture by Rabbi Avraham Dov Kahane Shapira of Kovna—Jerusalem 1948 9. Te’amei Zevachim by Rabbi Moshe Briz”el. Jerusalem 1908. 10. Avnei Levanon by Rabbi Yehuda Noach Brauner, the Rabbi of Bornov. Jerusalem 1921. Various sizes and conditions.