Auction 44

Large lot of books and pamphlets printed in Jerusalem, including some extremely rare ones.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. Divrei Avraham, fifth section on Devarim, by Rabbi Avraham ben Aharon Yosef of Ciechanow. Jerusalem 1927. 2. Reshimat Sefarim 22, published by Levin-Epstein. Jerusalem 1964. 3. Seder Hakafot for Simchat Torah, Jerusalem 1914 (tear in all of the pages without missing parts) 4. Gechalei Esh by Y. Rabinsohn. Bnei Brak (n.a.) 5. Yesh Sachar on the Torah and Shot L’Halacha by Rabbi Issachar Zeev Ben Zvi, Jerusalem (n.a.) 6. Beit Shlomo, part 1, by Rabbi Shlomo the Av Beit Din of Pintchof, Jerusalem 1926. 7. Zecher LaChayim on the Torah, by Rabbi Yitzhak Mordechai Kahane. Jerusalem 1958 8. Even Shetiya or Even HaTo’im, by Michael Bar’or. Jerusalem 1930. 9. Pamplet “Darka shel Torah al Derech HaChinuch”, Jerusalem 1920 10. Amudei HaTorah by Rabbi Avraham, brother of the Vilna Gaon. Jerusalem 1880 11. Pamphlet HaChaliva by Rabbi Avraham Haim Na’eh, Jerusalem 1939 12. Divrei Hit’orerut and Chiddushei Torah from the Grim Dushinsky shlita, (n.a). 13. Torah MiZion, Year 1, issue #1, Jerusalem (Iyar) 1935 14. Korot HaItim L’Yeshurun in Eretz Yisrael by Menachem Mendel ben Aharon, Jerusalem 1931 15. Pamphlet “Al HaNissim” by “Ish Neturei Karta”, Jerusalem (Adar) 1957 16. Tel Talpiyot by meggidei shiurim on the Daf Yomi, edited by Shimon Halperin, Jerusalem 1938 17. Me’ein Ganim…Gan HaSanehdrin, by David Menachem Deinard, Jerusalem 1927 18. Ma’achal Kasher by Rabbi Yitzhak Yehiel Sonensohn, Jerusalem 1936 19. Yeshev Rucho (kabbalah) by Rabbi Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margaliyot, Jerusalem 1931 20. Madrich HaKashrut 1962 from the Eida Charedit 21. Etz Hayyim, section 3, by Rabbi Haim HaKohen Horowitz. Jerusalem 1927 Various sizes and conditions.