Auction 44

Lot of important and rare books from Russian and Polish printings—Lemberg, Zolkva, Sadilkov. 19th century.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $150

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. The Tzlach on Masechet Brachot—Rabbi Yehezkel Landau. Sadilkov 1836. Many inscriptions and singatures on the blank first page. 2. Chiddushei HaRi Mogash on Bava Batra—Rabbeinu Yosef Mogash. Lemberg 1806. Signature on the title leaf. 3. Ma’ayan Ganim, the second section of Atzei HaLevona—Rabbi Nissan bar Aharon of Dovna—Sadilkov 1836. 4. Shut Chacham Tzvi—Rabbi Tzvi Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of Amsterdam—missing the location of printing and the year of printing because of the Russian censor. National Library estimates Sadilkov 1825. 5. Shita Mekubetzet on Masechet Bava Kama—Rabbi Betzalel Ashkenazi—Sadilkov 1810. 6. Machane Ephraim—Rabbeinu Ephraim Navon—Sadilkov 1835. Various sizes and conditions, all in good condition overall.