Auction 37

Partially missing copy of the Siddur with the Maharid’s commentary, first section. Berdichev 1913

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Start price: $50

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Two sections bound together of the Seder Tefillah siddur based on the Ari’s nusach, for the regular days of the year and the machzor of the Yamim Nora’im, as established by the Baal HaTanya. With Chassidic commentary called the Perush Maharid by the grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek, Rabbi Yitzhak Dov Beer Schneerson of Liady. Printed by Sheptil in Berdichev, 1913. [4], 25, 4, 140, 145-167 leaves (title page missing). The siddur is broken into sections and heavily worn from use, some pages have much damage to the text. This would be good for filling in other partially missing copies. A few moth holes. Many stains. Overall poor condition.