Auction 35

Sefer Lachmei Todah—first edition, Offenbach 1816; notes of ownership

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Buyer's premium:

The second section of Machaneh Levi, chiddushei halachot and aggadot by the Av Beit Din of Frankfurt-am-Mein, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch HaLevi Horwitz, son of Rabbi Pinchas the Hafla’ah. 10, 258 leaves. Title page stained and taped at the edges. Tape on the first and last pages. Stains, otherwise very good condition. Old, simple binding.

Notes of ownership on the title page and back: “I bought it, Yitzhak bar [?]…”. “I bought from Natan bar Meir Bemomfeld(?), Menachem bar Meir Segel Lilienfeld.”