Auction 27

A collection of books by the Kaf Hachaim – first editions – Jerusalem 1910-1933

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $120

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. Five volumes that contain all eight parts of the book Kaf Hachaim by Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer of Baghdad. A work on the Orach Chaim section of the Shulchan Aruch that was favorably received by Jewish communities throughout the world and is widely cited in halachic literature. Apart from part one [which was partially printed earlier] all of the volumes are first editions that were printed in Jerusalem. Part one, 1910. Part two 1913. Part three 1915. Part four 1920. Part five 1924. Part six 1928. Part seven 1931. Part eight 1933. Ownership inscriptions: Rabbi Gershon son of Noach Cohen. And Simcha Bunim son of … [?]. 2. The book Kol Yaakov on the laws of scribal writing by our teacher the author – Jerusalem 1910. Bindings in different conditions. Well preserved copies, good overall condition. Kaf Hachaim, the important magnum opus of the kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Chaim son of Rabbi Yitzchak Baruch Sofer (1870-1939). Born in Iraq, a disciple of Rabbi Abdullah Somekh and Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad author of the Ben Ish Chai, one of the sages of Iraq and Jerusalem and one of the foremost poskim. He spent his days studying Torah and writing his work in the attic of the Shoshanim L’David synagogue in Jerusalem that was founded by the Ben Ish Chai. In addition to these books he wrote other books, “Chaim Ad Ha’Olam” on completing tractates, “Chukei Chaim” – homilies for various occasions. “Yagel Yaakov” – novaelle on the Torah.