Auction 4
Lot 109:
1. BeKaf HaKalah—Yehezkel Herpans, Jerusalem 1998. Published by the Zachor Association in Israel for documenting the sacrifices in the Shoah. 2. Luchot v’Shivrei Luchot, Ben Zion Klugman on Rabbi Yehiel Menachem Mans Zitnitzky. Published by Banzach Kiddush HaShem. 1991. 3. Nitzotz Enosh—Yaakov Dviri (Holon 1974) 4. Zikaron Kedoshim for the Jews of Carptoros-Marmoresh, by Shlomo Rosman. 1968. In Yiddish with many pictures and interesting stories about Admorim and Rabbis in Hungary. 5. Shoah u’Gevurah (Background, Events, Significance), a collection of articles published by Yad Vashem. 1976. Sefer Edut—Yaakov Koretz. List of Jews saved from the Nazis in Poland. Translated from a manuscript in Yiddish by Ben Eliezer. Published by Am Oved. Tel Aviv 1944
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