Auction 4

Collection of 22 holy books from Eastern printings—some rare

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Start price: $100

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

1. Divrei Emet, a commentary in Judeo-Arabic on Genesis by Rabbi Mordechai Hai Dayan—Tunis 1937. 2. Ben David, 4th section—Aggadot of the Talmud in Judeo-Arabic by Rabbi Yosef Ganasiya—Tunis 1916. Cover separated with tears. 3. Petirat Moshe, first and second sections, commentary on haftaroth in Judeo-Arabic, printed in memory of a Jewish family killed at the end of 1934, with portraits of them at the beginning of each section. Djerba 1935. 2 sections in one volume: [1] portraits, 50, 57, 50, 57, 32 pages. 75 [1] page; [1], 35, 33, 59 page. 3-63 pages. 4. Kodesh Hilulim – commentaries on Rashi, Ram, and more, by Rabbi Shlomo Nechemias, including piyyutim and more—Tunis 1910. [4] 10 pages, 3-26 pages. Binding disconnected. 5. Shai LaMora, without cover page, partially missing copy, some of the pages are bound in the wrong places, various tears. 6. Menuchat Shalom in Judeo-Arabic on the 4th book of Psalms—Susa 1930. Missing a number of pages at the end, various tears. 7. Menuchat Shalom in Judeo-Arabic on the 5th book of Psalms—Susa 1930. Last page has tape. 8. HaRif on Masechet Baba Kama—Djerba 1940. 1, 119 pages. Original jacket cover, bound with an additional binding, together with the book V’Yosef Shaul, including segulot and remedies—Pietrekov 1928. 9. Vayagad L’Shaul—partially missing copy, a number of pages missing and torn, no cover page. On the binding is a printed page with a dedication from the author’s son. Tunis 1909. 10. Kol Bechayi—translation of Job into Judeo-Arabic. With the seder for Tisha B’Av—Livorno 1897. 11. Kohelet with Shevet Reuven and translation into Judeo-Arabic—only edition, rare! Livorno 1869. Dedication and signature, not checked. [2], 117, [1] page. Old binding with leather spine. 12. Kvod Av v’Em—prayers, hoshanot, and hakafot, with translation and commentary in Judeo-Arabic, by Rabbi Yosef Renasiya. Two covers, one also has French. Djerba 1930. Bound with an additional page, rare, “Shivchei Todah v’Mazkeret Ahava” with names of donors for publication of the book. Not seen in other copies. 13. Chumash with translation into Judeo-Arabic, partially missing copy, no cover page. Not checked thoroughly. 14. Sefer Bracha v’Shalom, and Darchei Shalom, Djerba 1926. [6] 54 pages. 15. Zohar on the Torah, Djerba 1940. With dedication of the publisher. 6, 200, 4 pages. 16. HaRif, Masechet Brachot, Djerba 1938. 2, 119, 1 page. Original jacket binding. Bound with an additional binding holding Yesod Yosef, on Tikkun Keri. Warsaw 1930. 17. Brit Yitzhak—mussar on yichud and ishut, in Judeo-Arabic. Djerba 1936. 2, 30 pages. 18. Divrei Shmuel—chiddushei Gemara by Rabbi Shmuel Kamos HaKohen—Djerba 1916. [1], 55 pages. 19. Peleh Yoetz, second section, with translation into Judeo-Arabic. Djerba 1932. 2, 145, 1 page. 20. Chasdei Avot—on pirkei avot, in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. Rare edition. Tunis, 1894. [1], 90 pages. 21. Rashi on Bereishit in Judeo-Arabic. Djerba 1941. 1, 55 pages. 22. Two covers of the book Ma’aseh Eliyahu, on Masechet Beitza by Rabbi Yosef Genesiya, in Judeo-Arabic. Djerba 1929. Two covers, one also in French. [1], 110, [2] pages. Generally good condition.