Auction 22

Long, historic letter handwritten and signed by the Ra’avad of Bnei Brak, Rav Shlomo Korach. On “Klalat” Yemen.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $300

Buyer's premium:

4 pages, from 28th of Tammuz, 1985. On the traditions of the Jews of Yemen, including not naming their children Ezra after the Scribe’s curse against them, and more. Amazing letter! The pages are on official letterhead. Generally good condition. Rav Korach (1936-2019) was a sage of Yemen and author of Arichat HaShulchan, Sfat Melech, Tshuva KeHalacha, and more. Chief Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Bnei Brak.