Auction 9

"Moreh Nevuchim" with commentary of Narbuni, Zultzbach 1800.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Buyer's premium:

Studies on the existence of God and his unity, and the composition of the world, Genesis, and the meaning of prophecy, by the Rambam, with two commentaries, one called "Narbuni" from the name of the compiler, the Kabbalist and philosopher Moshe Narbuni, and an additional one called "Givat HaMoreh," on the first section, by Rav Shlomo Maimon, and on sections 2-3 by Rav Yitzhak Stanov. Zultzbach. 3 sections bound together, with separate cover pages. Additional cover page in Latin. Listing and signatures of ownership from 1879. Excellent condition.