Auction 8

Set of 3 books: “HaMevakesh,” “Tzav’at Ribash” and “Darchei Tzedek”

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

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3 books bound together: 1. “HaMevakesh” by HaRav Shem Tov ben Palkira, on mussar and different legal issues, ways to argue, and riddles, published by HaRav Mordechai Tama with the help of HaRav Binyamin Ma’ali HaCohen and the printer HaRav Leib Zusmansh. Hague [next to Amsterdam] 1778. Second edition, rare. 2. “Tzav’at Ribash and Hanhagot Yesharot” under the name of the Ba’al Shem Tov and HaRav Yeshaya of Yanov, with the Maggid of Maastricht. Lviv 1864. 3. “Darchei Tzedek” with “Derech Emet,” by Rabbi Elimelech of Luzhansk, and HaRav Zecharya Menahem Mendel Horowitz of Liska, Lviv 1864. 3 books bound together, excellent condition, defective binding.