Collection of posters and booklets from the Histadrut, which was in practice the socialist movement in Israel. 19 documents bearing on the propaganda and struggles of the party, end of the 1930s and beginning of the 1940s.
Booklet: “6,000,000 murdered, from 17 million we have been left with only 8.5”, another one on the Struma disaster from March 1942, another on the “Kaplinsky testimony”, from Tammuz 1954. Poster: Workers of Tel Aviv, from December 1942. Poster calling on the strengthening of the anti-fascist front:: “Workers of the World Unite!” May 1, 1942. Another against the P.K.P, and another for members of the Tel Aviv branch from July 1, 1938 following the court decision against Ben Yosef, “Hunger Strike!” October 1940, and a poster against the Revisionist Zionists from May 1939.
Various sizes, stains, generally good condition.