Volume containing two sections of Sefer HaGilgulim, the first section published by the Admor Rabbi Yehezkel of Sinoa (the Divrei Yehezkel, eldest son of the Divrei Haim of Sanz). Printed in Premyslan. [2], 99, [1] page.
The second section has a separate title page, and is called “Sha’ar HaGilgulim”, copied from a manuscript of Haim Vittel. First edition, Premyslan. Published by the Admor Rabbi Zvi Meir HaKohen of Radomask, son and successor of the Tiferet Shlomo of Radomask, based on a manuscript in his father’s geniza, with notes from the great kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach. Enthusiastic endorsement from the Divrei Haim of Sanz. [4], 44, 38 pages. Moth holes, moth damage to the binding and first and last pages, defect to the cloth spine, stains, generally ok condition.