מכירה 29

Interesting letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yehoshua Mendel Aaronberg, from when he served as Chief Rabbi of Cyprus, about the examination of the kashrut of a bas yisrael to get married.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $100

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Interesting letter shedding light on rabbinical activity in the name of the purity of the Jewish people, during a very challenging period—the exile in Cyprus. The letter was written by Rabbi Yehoshua Mendel Aaronberg, Chief Rabbi of Cyprus, on official letterhead (no date listed), to “Rabbi Moshe Babad shlita, asking his honor to cgecj tge woman Dora bat-Chayu, so that she can get married at the earliest possible opportunity…”. Later, the rabbi details the person who he is checking up on, “and also to get testimony whether she is unmarried…” and ends with the request: “but please see that this is not delayed, Yehoshua Menachem Aaronberg.” Stamped. Size: 21x28cm. Signs of folding, light stains, generally good condition.

Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Mendel Aaronberg, the Roshei Besamim (1905-1976) was the son of Rabbi Yitzhak Aryeh Leib. He was a Belz chassid, a sage of Krakow, son-in-law of Rabbi David Birnbaum. He wrote Roshei Besamim on the Rokeach, but while it was printed in Krakow it wasn’t publicized. In 1945 he moved to Israel and was sent as a rabbi to the camps in Cyprus. In 1950 he was appointed Ra’avad of Yafo. He published Davar Yeshuah, telling the story of the rescue of his family from the Shoah (published Bnei Brak 1994). Published articles in HaLevanon—Gorlitz 1928, Kol Torah—Jerusalem 1930-1947.

Rabbi Avraham Moshe Babad (1900-1980) was the son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Babad, and a rabbi and chassidic rosh yeshiva in Bukovina and Israel, a student of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Arik of Tornov. He inherited his father’s position, and after WWII tried to immigrate to Israel but was sent to Cyprus in 1948 by the British, where he served as rabbi of the detention camp. After making it to Israel he was in constant contact with the Chazon Ish. Around 1952 he was appointed for a time as the Rosh Yeshiva of Yechel Yisrael of the Seret-Vizhnitz Chassidic community, led by his son-in-law Admor Rabbi Baruch Hager.