מכירה 29

Volume with a number of important books, copy owned by the Admor of Risha and Dorohoy

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

1. Sefer Chassidim Tanina by Rabbi Moshe HaKohen, the nephew of the Rosh. First edition, Pietrekov 1910. 26 pages. Cover is bound at the end

2. New stories told by Rabbi Nachman of Breslev. Stereotype printing, first edition. Warsaw 1912. 16 pages (31 sides). Partially missing copy, 32 sides of writing in the original.
3. Midrash Aseret HaDibrot and Tzavaot by Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol with Yiddish translation. Printed in Warsaw without a year of printing noted, 28 pages (56 sides).
4. Ma’asiyot and Sichot Tzaddikim, stories of chassidim, printed in Warsaw 1898, facsimile printing, Lemberg edition of 1895. 82 pages.
5. Divrei Geonim. A collection of divrei torah on the parshiyot by various rabbis (Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli, Baruch Ta’am, and Chassidic sages), and one drash on the 16 dayeunu in the Haggadah by Rabbi Mordechai Bennett. Printed in Warsaw 1903. 20 pages (40 sides).
6. Sefer MeTa’amim HaChadash, “good sources on the holy minhagim”. Around 700 te’amim of minhagim. Warsaw 1910. Facsimile printing of the 1894 edition. 54 pages (108 sideS).
7. Nifla’ot Gedolot, which tells of ancient events that uplift. Warsaw 1910. Facsimile printing of an earlier edition. 12 pages (23 sides).
8. Sefer Yir’ah, a work of mussar divided by the days of the week, 2nd edition—Munkatch 1905. 8, 17-24 pages.
9. Milchemet Mitzvah “against the malicious men who had the audacity to respond to the words of Chazal, the figures of the Talmud, and to defame the holiness…” by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Rabbi Shimon Doran (the Rashbatz and Ba’al HaTashbetz). Pietrekov 1910. 20 pages, 39 sides.
Binding detached without the spine, various stains, slight tears, generally ok condition. Important stamp of ownership on the blank first page: “Rabbi Henich Frankel of Risha, grandson of the Admor Yosef Aharon of Botchatch.

Admor Rabbi Hanoch Henich Frankel of Risha and Dorohoy Haifa (1889-1964) was the son of Rabbi Meshulam Zalman Rabin Frankel and grandson of Admor Rabbi Yosef Aharon of Botchatch. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Michal Aharon Diller of Blozov. Served as Admor of Risha, rabbi and Admor in Dorohoy from 1936 in place of his uncle, Rabbi Haim Rabinson of Dorohoy (son of the Admor of Dorohoy) and in place of his father, and he continued into the period of Communist rule. He moved to Israel in 1962, and established his beit midrash, Yad Yosef, in Haifa. His son is Rabbi Zalman Frankel.